Friday, July 11, 2008

New Additions

Since the addition of our kids, there have been two more births in our family. We had a new nephew from my older brother Jeff and his wife Nancee. Andrew Silas was born on January 2, 2008. He joined his big grother Glenn Thomas. Nancee had a great pregnancy and had a c-section planned for January 18th - my dad's birthday. (Glenn was delivered on her dad's birthday!) However, little Andrew had other plans all together! Nancee actually went into labor on her own and had to be rushed to the hospital. Andrew was born by stat c-section. She had only been in the hospital for 20 minutes or so when he was actually delivered. It was a scary time, but mom and baby were great. Here is a pic of Andrew when he was born with big brother Glenn holding him.

And just this week we have had another addition. My other brother Scott re-married last July in Jamiaca. It was a beautiful wedding that I was fortunate to be there for. I have a nephew by this brother (from a previous marriage) that is now 15 years old. He welcomed a sister this week! On July 7 at 12:58 a.m. Olivia Blake was born. Now as much as Nancee had the normal pregnance, poor Amy did not. She was sick the entire pregnance. She had a horrible delivery. She pushed for 3 + hours and then wound up with a c-section. The baby had to stay in intermediate care nursery for a few days and only got to stay in the room with Scott & Amy the day before they came home. Here is a picture of Miss Olivia.

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