Well - it's been a while. I'm determined to finish this. It's been a year since I've posted but I'm going to try to do my best. Mel's Haven is a huge inspiration to me to do this. So . . .where did I leave off? Oh yes, the Termination of Parental Rights.
Cheyenne has an older brother. Parental Rights were terminated for him. But not for Cheyenne. We were devastated. The judge didn't order her back to her biological parents. (Thank goodness becuase at this time, her biological mother was in jail! And if I rember right, so was her biological father.) We didn't know what was going to happen. There was not enough evidence in the case on Cheyenne's behalf to terminate rights. Cheyenne's biological mother told DFCS that she wanted to sign over her rights to Cheyenne. She said that she knew it would be the only way that Cheyenne and her brother would ever be able to know each other. So the case worker went to the jail where she was housed to have her sign the papers. That was it on her behalf. Once she signed, it was over with as far as she was concerned. Well. . . during this time, since rights were not terminated by the judge, we learned that the case was going to be moved to another county because the bio parents had moved. So we were going through the process of what it would be like to have even more hands involved in the case until we could file for another termination. We would have to take Cheyenne to the other county for visits that would not be as closely supervised. Her bio father had agreed to sign over rights as well. He was also in jail. When the case worker went to see him he was with the judge, therefore could not sign the papers. His lawyer was very adamant that DFCS not speak with him unless she was present with him. (He was not an educated man and could barely read.) We finally had another hearing. (I'll have to check with John to get details on this - I can't remember everything that went on.) Bio Dad was tranported to Forsyth County from jail. This is when he signed over his rights. It was so hard to believe. It was finally over. It was a nightmare that I would go through all over again. I don't remember the exact date the bio dad signed over his rights. I believe it was August. I would have to get out all of my notes and read over them. (Again, John would know this - I'll check with him.) Our adoption hearing was set for February 26, 2007. It was so hard to belive. And by this time, we felt like it was truly only a formality. Chey had been "ours" since the day she stepped foot in our home. We made the best decisions for her that we could. Just like we would have for our very own biological child.
Did I mention during any of this that we had other children come through our home? Oh, yes. we had 3 more children that we took care of. One was meant to stay forever. You'll hear his story next.
Check back on this blog becuase when I get a chance for John to read over it, I know there will be changes. My mind can't handle the retention of all the details. (That's why I have 2 binders full of information!!!) I was too concerned to care for the little princess that had been given to us by an act of God. I remember the nights that I set up and held her and rocked her. I remember the surgery on her tear duct that was clogged - carrying her in the OR room with her looking at me as if I were giving her away to someone else - having her eye stitched up after splitting it open on the coffee table. Those are the things I remember - not the court dates. But they were the worse. I want to be accurate. I want to pass along all the information I can. I don't know who out there may read this that it could be a help to. If you happen to be going through an adoption situation or are working with foster kids, you are our hero. I hope that you can read my blog and realize that things can come out for the best. God may tempt you and try you in ways that you never imagined. But always remember that He is in control and He has the master plan.
Friday, July 11, 2008
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1 comment:
Ahhhh, I am sitting at work near hysteria after reading this. All of your story is as fresh and real to me as my own with my little miracle. I needed this today so much that you will never know. So, I am sorry that you were up all night last night BUT God must have lead you to do this for me. I need conformation right now that things can go good. I am scared to death for my little one.
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