Monday, June 25, 2007

Our Little Princess

Could we do it again? Were we willing to wear our heart on our sleeve one more time? Sure. That’s why we decided to do it. We knew that we had to support of our family and friends to do this. Remember that lady that I spoke to at my school that had the precious little girl? Well, they had found out that the little girl was going to be in long term custody and they had another foster child with special needs that they were already committed to. She called me and asked if we wanted to meet the little girl and see how it went. So we agreed that Cheyenne would come to our house on Saturday, September 4, 2004 to spend the night and go to church with us. She never went back home. Lisa had told us the following information: she was 17 months old, she was not very friendly with men, she still took a bottle at night, and she would bang her head on her crib during the night. Well, when Lisa got her out of the car, she went straight to John and has had him wrapped around her little pinky ever since. She spent the night, did very well, and never went back to her previous foster home. We all agreed that she had adjusted so well that we not have a transition period of going back and forth between foster homes to adjust. So Lisa brought her clothes to her Sunday night and she was a part of us from then on. Everyone accepted her as part of the family. She was loved beyond belief. Lisa told us that out of the 6 months that she was in their home, she had only had a handful of visits with her biological parents. But very shortly after coming to our house, visits started back up with her biological parents. I could go on forever about that but I will save you the pain. It was horrible. She was terrified of her biological father and didn’t really acknowledge her biological mother. She was wake us up in the night crying, not able to go back to sleep. I have pages and pages and pages of notes just from visits and the behaviors she had as after affects. It was so sad to make her go to these each week, knowing what kind of effect it was going to have on her. We went through countless court dates, Citizen Panel Reviews, phone calls and emails concerning our little girl. Our local DFCS office was going through huge turnovers. We went through 6 case workers. DFCS forgot to file one piece of paper and it almost let Cheyenne go back to her biological parents. Thankfully, the Guardian ad-Litem was keen enough to get that situation under control. Long story short, we went through what seemed like hell on earth until we finally got down to the termination of parental rights hearing.


Melanie said...

I should have waited to read this at home. I am sitting at work in tears. I remember the day that Chey came like it was yesterday. I remember her 1st Sunday at church in her little orange gingham outfit and every moment since then. She has been my little fellow lover of Cinderella!

Who knows what all of our lives would have been today without knowing Cheyenne?? Mine will never be the same I can tell you that. Because of her,you, and John, I have the love of 2 amazing little girls in my own home now!

Your story with Cheyenne is the story of unfailing belief that God's purpose will work out. I will always remember thinking you only need the faith of a mustard seed. I actually taped one to my computer at work and it reminded me during Chey's troubles that everything would work I know that it can and I know that I too can handle whatever comes my way with my girls....because in a way you guys paved the road for me.

The Nash's said...

OK Now I'm at the beach and crying! I can't promise you that it will get any better. But I can promise you that with the love and support of your family and friends, you will make it through - even the hardest times. We love you!

Andrea said...

I'm so glad I know this story has a happy ending! Can't wait to hear the rest of the story...

Anonymous said...

what an awesome testimony. i am in awe of your tremendous faith. your children are beautiful.

i am a blogger bud of Mel's by the way. :)

Bethany said...

I just got caught up on your story - even though I already know it - and I'm still sitting here with goose bumps. Can't wait for the next installment!

Kimmie Kay said...

Hi Melissa! Mel sent me to your blog since I am a social worker (who serves at risk kids) and an adoptee. I hope you don't mind if I follow your journey, please feel free to check out my blog too. I respect and admire what you are doing and wish you and your hubby the best of luck!